ENG: 12. Impossible to translate emotions on to image

6 februari 2016 - Bay Of Islands, Nieuw-Zeeland

The night had been short and suffocating, but the idea of nicer weather and a boot tour made sure that I left the hostel with a good mood. I could store my backpack in a locker at the GreatSights Office until my return. It was cloudy, but because of the nice temperature and the fact that it wasn’t raining I had a nice boot ride. For a moment I was worried about getting seasick and I remembered my journey from France to the UK in 2006 during my study for Social Pedagogic Work. Luckily I didn’t experience any seasickness by staring at the horizon and enjoying the scenery. I made so many photos of the mountains that gave the Bay of Islands the Jarassicpark-like views it has. Unfortunately the pictures didn’t suffice to my demands and you can only find a couple of them on this blog. Besides that they wouldn’t be able to show how beautiful the scenery actually was, because it’s impossible to translate emotions on to image. The captain gave built for speed and took us (the tourists) to the amazing nature that New Zealand has to offer. We were looking for dolphins, but they were nowhere to be found.

In the distance emerged the most admirable rock of them all: The Hole in The Rock. The rock that has been made by volcanic activities and the gate in the middle of the water created by the force of sea and wind. Truly an interesting awareness of the force Mother Nature has and a striving example for myself: to do what ever I want and experience ultimate freedom.

The Hole in the Rock

On the way back to Paihia some of the tourist suddenly stood up. The wild dolphins had been spotted. Because everyone wanted to see the dolphins and to do so, all were leaning to the same side of the deck, it was impossible for me to get a good photo of the magnificent creatures. A clear example of the downsides of an organised tour in appose to exploring on your own and by yourself.

The scenery went by as we were riding the waves. I was so impressed by the mountains and the nature and I felt deep appreciation for the world that I chose. I’ll walk my path with curiosity, love and respect for everything that I’ve experienced so far and will experience in the future.
